Still got the writer's block. Hoping that will change soon.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Relaxed... Almost

Well, dear readers, after 5 days in France I'm somewhat relaxed.

Or maybe just smoking again.

Now I'm deep into dissertation territory, and the knot in my stomach is threatening to make its return.

At least I'm not angry any more.

I've spent many hours sitting at my desk surrounded by the detritus of academia, and rather fewer hours actually reading, writing, or engaging in any activity approaching the term useful.

I feel it will come if I just sit here long enough.

And tomorrow term begins again, and I have to haul my misbegotten behind from under its quilt at an ungodly hour of the morning (somewhere in the dim and distant past I seem to remember having a job, and getting up at 5am, to begin work at 6, but it's a hazy memory) to attend what promises to be a less than thrilling lecture on data analysis. Ho-hum.

And spring is here, and I want to be outside, skipping perhaps.

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