Still got the writer's block. Hoping that will change soon.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Aunt B told Granny, who told Mom, who told me, that it would be a good idea if my cousin, L, who's having a hard time being seventeen in a family that admits no weakness, came to stay with me for a while.

See what fun games of chinese whispers we play?

I told Mom to tell Granny to tell Aunt B that L is more than welcome at any time, but I would prefer her to ask me herself.

I shouldn't really entertain the whispers, but had no time to phone Aunt B myself, as this usually entails a solid hour of listening to her extol the many virtues of my cousin A (who does indeed have many virtues and is a lovely young woman). Is anyone surprised that L has problems?

In my opinion, (not just mine, but I'll protect the innocent) L's major problem is her mother, who has no tact whatsoever and the force of a steamroller.

What I really don't understand is how I, the family screw-up, became the family psychologist.

1 comment:

susoolu said...

Impressive! Don'tcha just lurve families.